Fullgreen & Buy Women Built donate Whole Foods Market Window Display to Charity
Always on the lookout for innovative ways to rescue as much food as possible, The Felix Project teamed up with Buy Women Built, an organisation that promotes brands and products built by women and Whole Foods Market to recue the products in their window display, donating them to a local charity.
With our Green Scheme volunteers on the ground, the products collected were shelf-stable and long-life food items as well as much needed cleaning and hygiene products. All the items were donated to The Marylebone Project, which provides life changing services to women in crisis.
Imogen Sagon, Support Worker said, “Our Services Users were delighted when the donation arrived, they began to gather excitedly in reception, whilst watching staff stack the shelves. It provided them such a boost on the Bank Holiday, they enjoyed a wonderful selection and there was enough for everyone. Thank you!”
The Marylebone Project are the largest and longest-running centre of its kind in the UK - with over 90 years of experience, 112 residential beds across two buildings, and the only women’s-only homelessness centre that’s open 24/7, 365 days a year.
Melinda Ponsonby, Services Manager, further stated the importance of the donation. “Thank you to the Felix Project for this wonderful donation. It was the biggest donation we've had in ages. We rarely get donations over the weekend or on bank holidays, so it was extremely helpful to receive this on a bank holiday Monday! We support 112 women overall and managed to distribute the healthy, nutritious food to so many of them.”
The team from BWB added their thoughts. "Our community was so delighted to be able to support the Felix Project by donating the 450+ products from our recent project with Whole Foods. We were particularly happy to hear that the food was going to The Marylebone Project to help those women in London who need it most. Thank you to the entire Felix Project team for your brilliant work."